Wednesday, August 26, 2009

an email from Mary at Co-Ed

Mary asked, "Now that you’ve had a few weeks to let your experience in Guate sink in and to tell family and friends about your trip, I was just wondering if you had any insight as to what the experience meant to you. Or, more simply put – what inspires you to keep trying to help these kids in Guatemala?"
Yesterday I was on the highway and saw a guy driving an SUV with license plates that read GUATE. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I know that sounds like some pretty simple inspiration, but when I think about what pride Guatemalans have in their beautiful country it inspires me to help the children there. My inspiration also comes from a former co-worker of mine who was a Guatemalan widowed mother of a special needs child. I think about if my co-worker had been born in any of the villages we visited what her prospects would have been like. (The average woman in rural Guatemala has less than two years of formal education.) But, by the grace of God, she was in the United States and was able to get the education she needed to first get her real estate license and then her business education to become a loan officer at the bank where we worked. Thanks to her great education and financial stability she was able to provide for her son as a single mother. She is now remarried and her blended family includes 4 children.
She and her husband are able to support their extended families in Guatemala and Mexico. I have seen what a big difference education made in the life of my friend and her family and I know our partnership with Co-Ed through the CORP program will have just as big of an impact on the kids at Co-Ed schools!

"I hope you’ll be able to come to our Fall Fiesta on Oct. 23rd – it’s a great tour reunion and a lot of fun too!"

We are planning on attending the Fiesta and will also invite friends, family and our Xavier community to learn more about our trip and the next steps we are planning to reach our sponsorship goal!

Take care!


Mary Graham, Senior Marketing Coordinator

Cooperative for Education

2730 Hyde Park Avenue

Cincinnati, OH 45209

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